Using Attollo to create and engaging employee intranet which allows them to effectively share information and tools across the whole organisation on different devices.
United KingdomEmployees
300Greatwell Homes is a not-for-profit housing association, to meet the housing needs of people in Wellingborough and the surrounding areas. They provide high quality homes and believe in creating friendly communities where people want to live.
One of the key goals identified was the getting employees to use The Lounge, but more importantly want to use it.
The Lounge needed a balance of content employees needed to engage with such as useful documents and latest events but also interesting content like the monthly campaign and staff spotlight.
Using the Attollo Document Centre all their policies, procedures and other important documents are all centrally managed with automation via the Power Platform alerting document owners to check and review their documents to ensure they are always up to date.
With the majority of the employee working from home and even from their lounge. They decided to not only call the intranet ‘The Lounge’ but make it look like one. Using imagery we created a lounge setting that can be themed as needed like autumn, Easter etc.
Using various functionality such as our Attollo Spotlight we were able to create a place for all their important Campaigns & initiatives such as Wellbeing and Mental Health Awareness Month. These were specfically branded with additional ‘home’ items like a sofa.
Find out more about how Attollo increased productivity and efficiencies within Greatwell Homes
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