Intranet Insights

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How much money is your business wasting on failing work processes?

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Failing Processes

Did you know that on an average working week, every employee wastes a whole day looking for information that should be available at the click of a mouse?

Let’s put that into figures in terms of what it means for your business. The Office of National Statistics has revealed that in 2021, the average person working full-time in the UK, took home £31,772.

Assuming that average (varying on jobs and locations), that’s £122 of wages wasted by each employee every week. If you have 15 staff in your office, you should be worried as that’s a whopping £95,160 down the pan each year.

But that cash can be easily saved by implementing a modern-day intranet. That money could then be used towards new equipment, staff trips out or even company bills.

How is time wasted?

When staff are asked to use several apps across multiple devices, it adds up to lots of unnecessary searching. Added to that the multiple log-ins that they have to remember all the passwords for.

Data that is spread out or hidden, quickly becomes abandoned, out of date or irrelevant.

With an out of the box intranet like Attollo, you can consolidate everything onto one SharePoint platform. Everything you need would be on your intranet – a one-stop shop with one log-in. Here are some examples of what we mean.

Find figures fast

Dave is about to go into a critical PR pitch for a top car lease company and decides he will quickly insert a graph onto the start his presentation. The one that shows how his firm has helped grow a similar business.

But he can’t find it. It’s not on his desktop so he searches several files and apps. Is it on someone else’s computer? He sends an email but gets no reply. He goes into his PR pitch unarmed with the best data.

Don’t be like Dave. Get Attollo Intranet. Say no to frantic searches and get rid of multiple apps everywhere – have everything stored centrally and accessible at the drop of a hat.

Avoid duplicate tasks

Lorna is working on a great project idea for an engineering firm. All her drawings and figures are in place and saved in their folder on her desktop. But at the same time in an office down south, Steve has created the same project as he didn’t know Lorna’s existed as he couldn’t access or find it.

Don’t be like Steve. Having just one version of a document saves time, energy and eliminates both frustration and confusion. With Attollo, you can edit any documents in real-time – saving them as they are worked on – and most crucially, stored in one central location where everything can be found from the home page.

End email eruptions

Ben has a great idea to set up a new football team at work, ready for a local competition. He emails everyone at work to let them know. Two reply that day but a few are on holiday, some emails get lost in space, others are too busy to reply or end the round robin replies by removing themselves from the conversation.

Don’t be like Ben. Don’t waste time with irrelevant replies. Use Microsoft Teams within your SharePoint intranet, which allows for instant video chat and messages that can be used on the move.

Research by the McKinsey Global Institute found that social tools enhanced communications, helped share knowledge and improved collaboration with an intranet system, creating raised productivity of workers including managers of between 20 and 25 per cent.

Need to retain staff?

Workfront, an Adobe Company, carried out a survey of 1,000 US working respondents. Results showed that almost a third of workers (32%) said they have left an employer whose tech was a barrier to their ability to do good work.

So, the answer to getting staff to stay happy and with your company for longer is community, communication and collaboration.

An intranet is a great place to stay in touch, informed and up to date on everything work and socially.

Good access to information whether it’s company news, promotion chances or the latest training videos, means minimised frustration, leaving staff more able and happier to do their jobs. Meaning they’ll be less likely to look for a new opportunity elsewhere.

Want to know more?

Attollo SharePoint intranet can be branded in any way you like. We can start your digital workplace journey in an instant. Contact us and we will give you a free demonstration.

Attollo helps organisations get more out of their SharePoint Intranet, making them more efficient